YB Marketing LLC - Customer strategy outreach marketing

YB Marketing LLC


Sacramento, California

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Stand out from the crowd - think differently  -   (c) YB Marketing LLC

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in technology

in advocacy



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Some gave all - Vietnam War Memorial - State Capitol

The California State government along with the federal government spends billions annually on technology related procurements. Each encourage small business and disabled veteran business enterprises (DVBE) to participate in the technology procurement process. Each seek additional procurement participation from applicable companies.

YB Marketing is proud to plan with, promote on behalf of, and to maintain an open door policy to new partners certified as small business and /or DVBE. 

We invest countless hours directly representing our partners to governmental agency throughout California and in Washington DC. 

  An open invitation

We invite DVBE’s and Service Disabled organizations to contact us at their convenience to discuss market opportunities .

E-mail or call - 
Initial discussions are complimentary

copyright 2002 - 2007 YB Marketing LLC

Member - Sacramento Metro Chamber - YB Marketing LLC