YB Marketing LLC - Customer strategy outreach marketing

YB Marketing LLC


Sacramento, California

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Stand out from the crowd - think differently  -   (c) YB Marketing LLC
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Products & services - integrated  - copr. YB Marketing LLC

  Primary products & services categories

Marketing - Strategy copr. YB Marketing LLCConsulting & marketing services focused on customer attitudes, message consistency and sales staff readiness.

People - staff - copr. YB Marketing LLCIntegration services with emphasis on the skills and competency of individuals and companies

Technology - software - integration copr. YB Marketing LLCSoftware, equipment & related products supporting our customers’ initiatives

On-line  Web  - copr. YB Marketing LLCOn-line presence, compelling content, payment processing, hosting

Print - documentation copr. YB Marketing LLCAuthorship, content writing, system documentation, technical writing

Tele-services copr. YB Marketing LLCTele-services - includes inbound & outbound professional staff. Script development & CRM population

E-mail or call - 
Initial discussions are complimentary

copyright 2002 - 2007 YB Marketing LLC

Member - Sacramento Metro Chamber - YB Marketing LLC