YB Marketing LLC - Customer strategy outreach marketing

YB Marketing LLC


Sacramento, California

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YB Marketing awarded new contract in tele-services from web company
October 2007

YB Marketing received an additional contract award for its tele-services personnel. The contract will assist in the development and execution of new market growth campaign for a Sacramento based technology company. 

The campaign will use the YB Marketing staff telephone skills and supporting material through e-mail and mail to generate interest and set appointments for the web company. 

A million in a month - a billion or so to go!
August 2007

A fundamental intent of YB marketing is to assist the small business pursue additional revenues and grow in market share. To that end YB Marketing assisted some 6 different California companies in authoring and delivering proposals to the tune of over $1,000,000.00. “It is a great joy to work with such wonderful partners”, said Matthew Kernodle, YB Marketing principal, “this is just the tip of the iceberg!”.

Ant the iceberg? The government of the great state of California!  Not so cold now is it?

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copyright 2002 - 2007 YB Marketing LLC

Member - Sacramento Metro Chamber - YB Marketing LLC