YB Marketing LLC - Customer strategy outreach marketing

YB Marketing LLC


Sacramento, California

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Stand out from the crowd - think differently  -   (c) YB Marketing LLC

 FAQ’s section navigation

- What about the logo?

- Is YB Marketing a question?

Home >  FAQs > 

Question: What about the logo?
Answer: (Matthew K - owner)
It started with a drawing on a napkin. I had thought that when the company launches I would like us to represent a creative, fun, thought-provoking attitude yet with a personal approach with its client ... so ... 
The YB Marketing logo!

Questions: Is YB Marketing a question? What does it stand for?
No, it isn’t (maybe it should be!), and it stands for “YOUR BROTHERS”. Matt started with a concept around a music company and thought he could have a lot of fun with this name. We don’t use it in a business setting however, unless asked!

Submit questions to [email protected]. 

We try to answer within 48 hours of receipt.

E-mail or call - 
Initial discussions are complimentary

copyright 2002 - 2007 YB Marketing LLC

Member - Sacramento Metro Chamber - YB Marketing LLC